Saturday 26 March 2011
A ‘BRING & SING’ day
Vivaldi: ‘Gloria’ + Purcell: ‘Come ye Sons of Art’
St Andrew’s Church LANGFORD
( SG18 9QE )
Conductor: Karen Brown
Soloists: Alison Eames (Soprano), Helen Rotchell (Contralto) and Les King (Bass)
Organist: Justin Waters
Rehearsal 4 pm – 6.30 pm
Performance 7.30 pm
£5 to sing (includes music) £5 to listen – pay on the door
It will help us with the logistics if non-members expecting to sing with us would let us know they are planning to come
email: phone: Val on 01462 700462 or John on 01767 316098
‘Come ye Sons of Art’
Henry Purcell 1659 – 1695
The ‘Flower Duet’
Léo Delibes 1836 – 1891
‘Theme and Variations’ for Organ
Hendrik Andriessen 1892 – 1981
Antonio Vivaldi 1678 – 1741