QUIZ Night 2013

Our QUIZ NIGHT is on

Saturday 9th March 7.30pm

at St Andrew’s Church Chapter House, Biggleswade

The format is for a combined team response to several rounds of general knowledge questions on various topics.  There will be something for everybody so no-one need feel shy!

Teams should be a maximum of SIX persons and the cost is £7.00 per head which will include refreshments.

Plastic beakers will be provided but please bring your own drinks. Prizes will be awarded to the winning team.  We will also be running a raffle.

Although this is a fund-raising event the overriding intention is to have an enjoyable evening with lots of fun.  Teams from other choirs and societies are especially welcome.

Please contact our Secretary Mrs Jean Curwen on 01767 317900 for an application form.

Numbers are limited.  We were  full last year so we strongly recommend early applications.

Closing date for entries and payment – Tuesday 5th March.  NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED.